My account

My Account Balance is $. Balances last updated Feb 3. If questions, please email John Hennessey.

A positive account balance is a credit to you. A negative account balance means you owe that amount.


You can use the Orders link above to check the history of events you registered for. Some of the other options above such as payment methods and shipping/billing addresses are not relevant to us. Those links are artifacts of the (free) web apps that we use here. We do have information that is relevant to our members at how to pay.

Other Profile Info
GTGP Member Number  
My GHIN Number  
Log in to Golf Association of Philadephia My GAP Locker
Log in to GHIN My GHIN Account
My Account Balance $


2022 Changes

  • GAP says, “Signing into My GAP Locker will no longer be required to register for a GAP event. The new process is mobile-friendly and makes it easier to register for events on the go.” My GAP Locker can still be used for subscriptions to complimentary magazines and for posting scores to GHIN.
  • Add a photo to your member profile with a Gravatar Account.

2021 USGA / GHIN Changes

  • You will need to use your email address the next time you try to use USGA/GHIN either via web or phone app.  
  • GHIN Says “A Digital Profile is now required to access For your security, we introduced a new way to log in to and the GHIN Mobile App. Create a profile ( to log in. Please visit our FAQs for additional information. If you are unable to login or need to add or update your email address, please contact your club or association.”
  • That’s good.  There was not any security before.  Although, the worst that could happen is someone could go in and post a golf score. Now you can edit your profile/biographical data once again.
  • A few of our members do not have an email account connected to their USGA account.  If you run into a problem just contact GTGP.  Your handicap administrator makes the changes for you. That’s us.

2020 Changes

  • Looks like you can’t edit your biographical data at GHIN any more.  You have to ask your handicap administrator to do it for you.
  • You can post scores at GAP with My GAP locker.  You can only post gross scores and need to figure any adjustments for net double bogey max scores.
  • You can post scores at and the GHIN mobile app.  GHIN allows hole-by-hole posting and figures max scores for you.  Or you can post adjusted gross scores there.
  • If you ever change your email address here, that’s OK but please tell us. You can edit it yourself but we might not notice and need to know.

Register for an account with GAP using your GHIN Number. Setting up your GAP online account is necessary to be able to register for GAP Tournaments and Events including GAP Member Play Days.