Winter News

2021 Membership Offer

You can now get your 2021 membership in the GTGP store. Right here. New members need to sign up here for a username before they can order the membership.

Preseason and Open House plans

GTGP’s regular season will kickoff on April 24. Working backwards in time, two preseason events are scheduled for April 10 and 17. Tentative preseason venues are one in Delaware and one at Turtle Creek. Delaware for its weather, turf condition advantage in late winter, and Turtle for its typically good turf.

1/28 Update … On April 17 we will be at Rock Manor with tee times starting at 1 pm.

2/10 Update … Registration for preseason events at Turtle Creek and Rock Manor is open in the store! You can also find details about regular season Rounds 1 to 3 there but those events will not become available for registration until we’ve finalized details on the entire schedule. Say around March 1.

Preseason events are open to members and anyone considering joining the tour. They are offered at cost, with no price markup for anything, including the weekly and seasonal prize funds. They will not count as regular season events, no fedex points, no golf genius scorekeeping. So basically: Preseason! A chance to work on your game and check us out. We may still run a casual game like best 2 of 4 balls net for foursomes. Registration will be via our on line system. Details will follow as they are finalized.

Working back more in time, additional preseason opportunities will happen up in March, weather permitting. These will most likely get scheduled vis email rather than posted on line. Guests will need to send us an email to hear more about these. We expect smaller group sizes in March but also figure there’s a lot of demand this year to get playing, so we will see how it goes. These are more of the who-wants-to-play-this-week kind of thing than a scheduled event. Who’s ready??? 

Of course part of the focus of the preseason events are to serve as open house events for guests to play a round with us. Guests can use our Event Registration system to sign up for these events. You will need to get a username and password for our website, first. That’s just for the purpose of getting access to our event registration system. There is no commitment.

Go here to get a username and password: Registration

If you are not ready to use our event registration system please just send an email to saying that you are interested in playing in one of the Open House events. Let us know if you have any questions.

Did you see us in your local news magazine? Let us know!

2021 Schedule

Planning is happening now for about 24 events from April 24 to September 25. We’ll let you know when we have the schedule roughed out. As always, you can look at our 2019 and 2020 schedules to get an idea of what’s typical.

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